Saturday 18 June 2016



Magic of 'Dragon Nexus' is a force present, mysterious to most & fairly well-known to a few of individuals.

There are spells, of varying power - represented by Magic Circle the spell belongs to. There are 9 circles, 1st Circle containing weakest & easiest to learn spells; 9th Circle contains most powerful of the spells.

Learning Spells.

Spells are taught like other skills, first dot enables basic casting ... while more dots allow for performing rites, fast-casting & other tricks. The cost of learning a spell depends on it's Magic Circle & learned dot, however.

Spell Skill Levels:
x - can't cast.
o - can cast this spell.
oo - can perform a rite to increase range, duration, area of effect or power of the spell.
ooo - can attempt to fast-cast.
oooo - can cast with only subtle gestures & hushed voice.
ooooo - can cast with a 10 times less fatigue cost.

There's limit on maximum circle a mage can learn, depending on 'Magic Theory' Skill.

Magic Theory:
x - can't learn spells.
o - can learn 1st level spells.
oo - can learn 2nd & 3rd level spells.
ooo - can learn 4th & 5th level spells.
oooo - can learn 6th & 7th level spells.
ooooo - can learn 8th & 9th level spells.

Cost of learning a spell during character creation equals to Magic Circle Level * dot purchased.

Spell Casting.

Casting spell on target not in line-of-sight requires something that poses sentimental value to the target, or part of the body (hairlock, fingernail, etc.).

To succeed, caster makes dice roll against target number equal to 3 + spell's circle, rolling amount of dice equal to Magic Theory + Spell's Skill Level.


A certain spells (those who have more than one Range, Duration, Area of Effect or Power listed) can be enhanced by skilled enough casters by a ritual-cast.

Enhancing spell that way, allows to use next of the listed value(s).

Extra cost of Ritual Casting depends on amount of the enhancements used when casting a spell-rite, as well as on the spell (details of what is offering is a part of spell-description when available).

There's extra casting time involved with Rites as well.

Enhancements.Extra Cost.Casting Time
1.A minor offering in full.x3
2.6 times a minor offering in worth.x6
3.72 times a minor offering in worth.x9
4.A major offering in full.x12
5.6 times a major offering in worth.x18
6.72 times a major offering in worth.x24
7A grand offering in fullx30
8.6 times a grand offering in worth.x60
9.72 times a grand offering in worth.x90

There's also extra fatigue cost, switching to next in the list each time enhancement is applied.

It's up to Player or Game Master to roleplay or describe how the rite looks exactly.


Rituals cannot be fast-cast.

Fast-casting increases fatigue cost by 1 step.

Fast-casting spells is more tricky, there's harder dice check (+2 difficulty penalty).

Group Casting.

Certain spells or rites are very fatiguing, often can result in caster falling unconscious before spell is complete.

Group casting is a means to spread fatigue loss among all casters in a group.

To participate in a casting group, each caster must know cast spell.

Group leader, who coordinates this rite must know spell at least well enough to allow for ritual casting.

Fatigue loss is spread evenly (rounding up) among all casters in a casting group.

Each caster must cast the spell succesfully to succeed, leader has also to cast succesfully - with a +3 penalty for difficulty to succeed.


1st Circle.

-=- Arcane Dagger. -=-

Casting Time: 3 seconds (1 round).
Fast-Cast Time: 0,3 seconds (1 round, +18 to initiative).
Fatigue Cost: 1 / 6 / 42 / 300.
Range: 40 m / 3 000 m / 120 000 m.
Duration: Instant.
Area of Effect: One target.
Power: 36 damage / 54 damage.
Minor Offering: A little of powdered Wolf Bone to be burnt in an offering to Gods of War, of value of 1 gold coin.
Major Offering: A little of powdered Dragon Bone to be burnt in an offering to Gods of War, of value of 840 gold coin.

Effect: Caster speaks formula & makes pointing gesture at the target (or the fingernail, etc). Almost invisible dagger of arcane energy appears & flies at great speed to the target, aiming unerringly at a vulnerable body part. Then it strikes, doing damage that depends on power.

-=- Imbue Amulet of Lesser Protection. -=-

Casting Time: 1 minute.
Fast-Cast time: 3 seconds (1 round).
Fatigue Cost: 3 / 12.
Range: Touch.
Duration: 24 hours / 1 month.
Area of Effect: Protecting Amulet.
Minor Offering: A gold coin is offered to Gods of Magic & Protection, it disappears during a cast.

Effect: Caster touches Protecting Amulet to imbue it with extra powers against Supernatural Threats. Since now, when worn by the caster, for the duration of the spell - hostile spells are neutralized by the amulet ... up to 6 spell levels. Each time amulet activates to neutralize incoming threat, wearer is aware. After absorbing the 6 spell levels or when the duration time passes, caster is aware & can cast the rite again.

-=- Aura of Ennobled Presence. -=-

Casting Time: 30 minutes.
Fast-Cast time: 1 minute.
Fatigue Cost: 3 / 12 / 48.
Range: Personal / Touch.
Duration: 1 hour / 24 hours.
Area of Effect: Single Person.
Minor Offering: A candle to be lit & burnt - in an offering to Godess of Beauty, worth of 1 coin.

Effect: Caster or person touched becomes surrounded with subtle hues of light & shadow that dance around her or him, both appearance - as well as voice - seems nobler, more mysterious, ethereal, beautiful - for the duration of the spell.

-=- Flaming Arrows. -=-


2nd Circle.

-=- Azure Blades. -=-

-=- Lesser Protection from Elements. -=-

-=- Raven's Eyes. -=-

-=- Summon Courier. -=-


3rd Circle.

-=- Call Lightning. -=-

-=- Illusory Theatre. -=-

-=- Understand Written-Form. -=-

4th Circle.

-=- Veil of Invisibility. -=-


(unfinished post, to be continued).

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